Monday, September 29, 2008

Salve for the heart

This weekend's trip to Houston was good salve for my heart. We saw lots of good friends who remain like family to us. Saturday I got my first 'mommy haircut' taking 6 inches off and saying, "Who the heck has time for long fashionable hair?!" Three of my favorite girl friends took me for drinks and sushi that night. I cant tell you what a world of good it did me.
Sunday was Cib's Sip n See with all our Houston folks. Here are some pictures of Cib with all of Austin's family and with his Aunt Celeste and Uncle Luke. Another pic of Cibbers with Great Grandpa Sparks. Cib did amazingly well yesterday - such a good boy. He slept and just chilled. Thank you to every single person we saw this weekend. Each hug, prayer offered, smile shared....words cant explain how it lifted our spirits.

My mom had a good weekend. She has started more extensive physical therapy now, which is leaving her pretty tired. She is basically non-stop busy about 8 hours a day. She is very excited to see any and everyone that might want to visit (I think visitors are a great distraction and welcome salve) I just ask that you give me or my mom a call on our cells before heading to the hospital. She is so tired that sometimes although she wants to be social, she really needs to just give us a call before heading up.

This weekend my mom got a new roommate. We are still waiting and praying for a private room. Please pray that as rehab gets in full swing that my mom will have an extraordinary strength and determination. Please pray for a private room and full nights sleep for my mom. This week my dad and I will meet with mom's 'team' at Baylor and this will be a crucial time of info and learning for us. Please pray that my dad and I can balance everything this week and retain all the info we get. Please specifically pray for my sweet daddy. I have never known SUCH a servant hearted man. (Well I was actually very blessed to marry one) My dad is heart broken and exhausted. As he begins his grieving and healing process please pray for peace, rest, and strength for him. That the Lord would hush unfounded guilts and replace them with songs of worship and praise.

All of this has greatly reminded me and my whole family that we should daily tell each other of our love and that tomorrow is not promised to us here. That this world is not our home. To this end, my mom is planning to have a huge party when she gets home from the hospital. She said we will post it on the blog and ALL of you who have prayed for her should come and rejoice at what the Lord has done in her life.

1 comment:

Ticey said...

Cib is so cute!!! I am amazed at the strength of your mother and continue to pray for her daily!