Monday, December 8, 2008


We finally talked to the doctor. My dad is scheduled for a cath
tomorrow at 1130 am. All beds are full here so we will be sleeping in
the er.


Granny Nanny said...

We are all praying for him. Give him a hug --- and ask Austin for one. Cib is sound asleep and Granny Nanny is on patrol -- he will be fine. I didn't want to call today and bother you - I will do whatever you need.
Forever - Granny Nanny

Missy said...

Oh, Amber. I am SO TIRED of bad news from the Templetons!!!! I know you are too!!!!

Well, 2009 can only get better.

Love you sweetheart. Praying.

How I WISH I could hug your neck right now.

love, Mis