Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Mother's Work

Drum Roll Please....At almost 32 weeks I have finally (well minus a few details) finished the nursery! With MUCH help from my mother who helped paint some of the things on the walls and my dad who built the book shelves you see and my sweet husband who helped paint, install lighting, put stuff together, etc. I wanted to paint every thing on his walls myself so this took me a while. I feel like a mom more and more each day. It brought me great joy putting together a little home for our sweet boy, Cib. Welcome to Cib's Beach House!

And thank you to each person who gave us something to help make Cib's nursery extra special!


the dowiaks said...

very, very cute! good work mom! and dad! and grandma!

i have nothing done for my kiddo. i do have the nesting desire, but just haven't gotten to it yet. i hope to pull something together before he/she comes. :)

the dowiaks said...

forgot grandpa...you did good work too!

Missy said...

looks adorable!

what's the deal with that door? That looks cool.