Austin and I hit a huge milestone: We graduated from the fertility specialist! This means we are 'normal' and can see a 'normal' OB. YIPPIE! Wow, it was much more emotional to leave the people who have walked this path alongside us for the last six months. I cried and we all hugged. Then it dawned on me...WE STILL HAVE TWO IN THE FREEZER! We will see our friends at Dr. Pinto's fertility clinic soon enough for round two. A little overwhelming to think about right now.
We have now seen the regular OB and High Risk OB (will probably only see him a couple times) We saw the baby and all looks good. HR OB says we have a good lookin' kid! :) Not seeing the baby and seeing with my own eyes that it's ok is hard for me. Now we are like 'normal' OB patients. I see the doctor once a month but get more sonos than normal. We will find out the sex of the baby in about two and half weeks at my next appointment. I can't wait! We both want a healthy baby and dont really care what we have. BUT on the way home yesterday we agreed to say what we would like at the same time on the count of three...1...2...3..BOY! Unanimous. We immediately both said but we would be very happy with a little girl too! Just healthy.
We painted the baby's room and the guest bathroom this past weekend. Well we STARTED those projects...maybe bit off a little more than we can chew but it is coming along. I walked into the baby's room, as we are now calling it, and got a little teary eyed. In six and half months my precious baby will sleep in that room. It made me think of the empty place in our hearts we have had for this child then I realized like the room which we used to call the study although when showing our home it was "This is the study and future baby's room" The room has never been empty, just filled with different things. Our hearts have not had an empty place because we have loved this baby for a very long time. Now getting to meet that hambone (this is what we call the baby to avoid saying 'it') is such a blessing! I feel like I have known him/her for a long time.
I remember the day after they retrieved my eggs (sorry if this is TMI then dont read..I am not used to everyone knowing much more than I was once comfortable sharing) I dont think Austin and I realized how scared or nervous we were that this would work until the doctor called the day after retrieval and said, "You have 6 embryos. You are half way there!" Austin and I burst into tears and hugged. Neither of us said it out loud before but we both were worried about the what if's of this not working. Every time I think back through this process, I am reminded of so many things along the way but something that stands out to me is the blessing of my marriage. When the baby is born we will have been married 6 years. For all the heartache we have endured I would not trade one day of those years together just being married. The Lord blesses us in ways we usually dont even see at the time.